About Me

Dr Erika as she is affectionately known has been in private practice for over 20 years. Her attention to detail and genuine love for her patients separates her from the rest. Her rooms in Caledon Street, Somerset West have a welcoming feeling and her staff are all accommodating and friendly. Previously well known in the West Rand, Dr Erika has assisted and diagnosed many of its residents for over 22 years and decided to relocate to Somerset West end of December 2014. Her confidentiality and professional attitude is unquestioned. DrErika works in close relation with many of the excellent specialists in the area with whom she enjoys a mutual respect. Over and above her traditional medical practice she also offers a superb range of added services.
My motto in life has always been " You make a living from what you get, but a life from what you give." ( Winston Churchill).Thus this is where I'm at, ready to serve...and to care…
“The greatest wealth is health” - Vigil
I have qualified at Pretoria university after a lifelong goal of being a doctor. The latter after being surrounded by medicine from a tender age and a very dedicated role model in my father as a GP. I started practise in 1994 and continue to do my "serving" ever since.
Comprehensive integrative care for all ages from tiny infants to the tender aged.
Chronic medical care eg hypertension, diabetes, asthma, hyperlipidemia.
Anti-aging preventative medicine.
Hormone balancing - including endocrine, menopausal, andropausal, male and female health.
Auto-immune diseases including thyroid, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, SLE, Rheumatoid arthritis.
Adrenal fatigue and stress management.
Gut health and the gut microbiome engaging you as patient to control your future by controlling your environment and diet.
Nutrigenomics: The study of applying nutraceutical support according to your DNA blueprint.
Nutraceutical support from world wide and locally acclaimed companies supporting integrative health.
Psychiatric illness and management via conventional and integrative measures.